Today, the chapter’s train maintenance crew reassembled the chapter barrel train and readied it for use at next week’s Dog Mart. It has a fresh coat of paint and new wheels for the passenger cars. The steam boiler was fired up today and the locomotive runs smoothly. That might appear like a John Deere farm implement paint scheme but these are the colors of the Izaak Walton League. Come to the Dog Mart on September 25th, 2021 at 9:30 am and bring the kids and they can experience a ride on the chapter barrel train driven by one of our seasoned engineers.
Alpha Media Fredericksburg is Sponsoring the Dog Mart this year
This year we are pleased to have Alpha Media Fredericksburg sponsoring the Fredericksburg Dog Mart. When you listen to one of the three local Alpha Media radio stations you will hear On-Air Promotional Mentions starting September 6, all three stations will run a...