The Dog Mart event is nearing readiness and the weather could not be better. When you enter the property at 12400 Herndon Road on Saturday, September 24, 2022, starting at 9:30 am you should proceed down the entry road to a location next to the Activity Center (large green metal building on the left). The Activity Center is the central location for food and information.
A parking fee of $5 will be the only fee collected at this staging point for as many guests as you can fit safely into your vehicle. Other activities will be in the area that is beyond the Activity Center after you park your vehicle assisted by a parking attendant. Food will be served inside the Activity Center for a nominal fee. Inside the building will also be a table for a bake sale, a table for raffle and auction items, an Izaak Walton League Information table, and a Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing table. Vendors will line the shore of our pond. Welcome to our event!
Below is a larger version of the map. To download a copy that you can print out, please click here.